A question that does not have one correct answer. Everyone finds their own reasons for submerging under water. The beauty of the underwater world, overcoming your own weaknesses, meeting new people or just being in the water and enjoying the prevailing silence, which is only disturbed by the noise of the bubbles. These are just a few reasons why we all dive. The area covered by water on the globe is so vast that every diver will find its underwater target on it. Some of us admire flora and fauna, others sunken wrecks or caves. Some people combine all these passions and broaden others to which they devoted themselves on land. Maybe you are a filmmaker or photographer? Maybe you want to try your hand at underwater in these areas? Somewhere where the play of lights gives amazing effects or the lack of it creates harsh conditions and the greater challenge to do is the only shot. Any reason to be underwater is good and worth to feel as safe and comfortable as possible in this alien human environment. We give you such a chance with good and responsible training combined with good fun. All levels of ISSF training meet the applicable ISO standards, at the same time far exceeding them. We treat our students as future diving partners, so the quality of training is our priority! Remember, “in diving … there are no shortcuts!”
Try diving and choose the Try Dive course.
start the Open Water Diver 20 training.
““In diving…there are no shortcuts””